Priest Rape
Here is how to answer to the accusations of us supporting priests raping kids. I typed this short response: say:
To establish personal ethos I am a Baptized and Confirmed member of the Catholic Church and stand with all its teachings carried down directly from the Papal Infallibility and succession, since Peter our first Pope and Jesus, our founder along with all of the works and teachings of the Saints and the words found in the Bible, Code of Canon Law, and Catechism of the Catholic Church. I believe in everything the Apostles Creed states, the Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and the Body and Blood of Christ as well as all seven Sacraments. I hereby state that rape, child molestation, and pedophilia, are extremely wrong and to the upmost severity of grave matters within the current Church. This act is a grave sin, a declaration to a separation from God, morally wrong, unlawful, illegal, unacceptable, uncalled for, and an abuse, misuse, exploitation, and disrespect of religion. I do not support these said actions and those who carried them out if proven guilty in any way, whether it was carried out by a priest or not, and I firmly believe that the perpetrator should be placed in prison and justice to be served to the full extent of the law. They have done a great disservice to the Catholic Church and humankind in general and should take time to reflect on their unjust behavior. I acknowledge the actions done in the past and do not support these or any future actions to come that involve said abuse. I am deeply sorry for any grievances given out by these actions and I ask God and mankind for forgiveness of these sins that others hath committed with the platform of religion and abuse and exploitation of power. When judging this action I please ask that you blame the individual people's actions rather than the religion itself. Jesus never told us to do this. I take responsibility of the actions done in the name of Catholicism and I ask you to forgive us for what has happened. If being hurt by these actions causes you to lose faith in God, then your faith was in people and not God. I do not support any priest who has done this and will never partake in these actions. If I do witness these actions taking place I will report it to the governmental authorities as well as the Church officials so that justice may be served. By signing this I affirm the entire statement above and if I sign this and break it, I am willing to face possible excommunication from the Catholic Church, eternal separation from God, the burning sensation of the fires of Hell, take full responsibility for my actions, and serve the justice that is brought upon me by the power of man and the wrath of God.
Even if priests never raped a child, you would still find countless reasons to deny Catholicism. Quit blaming the religion and blame the people's actions. You are rationalizing a false portrayal of religion so you can deny truth.
Here is how to answer to the accusations of us supporting priests raping kids. I typed this short response: say:
To establish personal ethos I am a Baptized and Confirmed member of the Catholic Church and stand with all its teachings carried down directly from the Papal Infallibility and succession, since Peter our first Pope and Jesus, our founder along with all of the works and teachings of the Saints and the words found in the Bible, Code of Canon Law, and Catechism of the Catholic Church. I believe in everything the Apostles Creed states, the Trinity, Immaculate Conception, and the Body and Blood of Christ as well as all seven Sacraments. I hereby state that rape, child molestation, and pedophilia, are extremely wrong and to the upmost severity of grave matters within the current Church. This act is a grave sin, a declaration to a separation from God, morally wrong, unlawful, illegal, unacceptable, uncalled for, and an abuse, misuse, exploitation, and disrespect of religion. I do not support these said actions and those who carried them out if proven guilty in any way, whether it was carried out by a priest or not, and I firmly believe that the perpetrator should be placed in prison and justice to be served to the full extent of the law. They have done a great disservice to the Catholic Church and humankind in general and should take time to reflect on their unjust behavior. I acknowledge the actions done in the past and do not support these or any future actions to come that involve said abuse. I am deeply sorry for any grievances given out by these actions and I ask God and mankind for forgiveness of these sins that others hath committed with the platform of religion and abuse and exploitation of power. When judging this action I please ask that you blame the individual people's actions rather than the religion itself. Jesus never told us to do this. I take responsibility of the actions done in the name of Catholicism and I ask you to forgive us for what has happened. If being hurt by these actions causes you to lose faith in God, then your faith was in people and not God. I do not support any priest who has done this and will never partake in these actions. If I do witness these actions taking place I will report it to the governmental authorities as well as the Church officials so that justice may be served. By signing this I affirm the entire statement above and if I sign this and break it, I am willing to face possible excommunication from the Catholic Church, eternal separation from God, the burning sensation of the fires of Hell, take full responsibility for my actions, and serve the justice that is brought upon me by the power of man and the wrath of God.
Even if priests never raped a child, you would still find countless reasons to deny Catholicism. Quit blaming the religion and blame the people's actions. You are rationalizing a false portrayal of religion so you can deny truth.