![]() During WWII many European Churches were completely destroyed by battles. Among the ruins, Catholics on all sides continued to have Mass. Today the same is happening in a less obvious way. Our Churches are hit with the bombs of modernism and we are fighting battles to retain the few Catholics that are left. The number of Catholics attending weekly Mass is going down rapidly from 50 years ago. Society wants nothing to do with God, as it always has, but now it is influencing the faithful. Parishes are being flooded with liturgical abuse and irreverence. We are losing more and more people. Most only come for Christmas and Easter and receive communion out of ignorance after skipping so many Masses. Parishes are shutting down almost daily. Seminaries are almost empty. My own parish has lost many. I once asked a few of the people who were once in my confirmation class why they left for Protestant services. They responded with, “because they do it better.” I asked what they meant and they responded, “Their Christian music is better. Their band is better. It’s more entertaining and they have a big screen.” The issue is not that they do it better. The issue is that we have put ourselves on the level of just another Protestant denomination who makes Mass into a concert. It should not even be comparable. There should be Latin, Chant, the Pipe Organ. Even if you support Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium states that these three must be upheld. We should not be competing for the most entertaining Christian service. It is not a service! It is a Sacrifice! It is The Sacrifice! A Sacrifice is on an Altar and not a table! It is a not a community meal. It is God. A re-presentation of Calvary. Modern or Traditional, what I am describing is Catholicism. We must pray. Our Churches are empty during the day besides a few older people at a daily Mass. Fill them back up! Dress your best! God wants our best, this is why He accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not Cain’s. We must give our best and this includes our time. You are busy? “Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer every day, except when we are busy—then we need an hour.” -St. Francis De Sales
1 Comment
Interesting article. Thanks. I agree in some points, not in others. I received baptism and confirmation when the pope was Pius 12, of blessed memory. I like your post about medals of St Benedict. I asked in my church about getting this special blessing for several medals of St Benedict that I have. No reply yet. The one reverend who officiates Mass in Latin is now retired and I don't know if he is interested in performing this blessing or if he has the time. So I keep searching. This particular church is in San Francisco. If you know of a church in San Francisco or the Bay Area where a priest is interested in this, please let me know.
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